Replica Burberry Handbags

Affordable Replica Burberry Handbags -

Brand: Replica Burberry Handbags ; Colour: Beige and White ; Model name: Burberry ; eige/White Nova Check Barton Coated Canvas and Leather Hobo Bag ; Object type: Shoulder bag ; Material: Coated canvas, LeatherMade in: China ; Condition: Excellent condition, barely used with minimal signs of wear ; Height: 25 cm ; Width: 31 cm ; Depth: 5 cm ; Serial number: CNPANSIM1PAN

Burberry Beige/White Nova Check Barton Coated Canvas and Leather Hobo Bag Shoulder bag Beige and White Coated canvas, LeatherAn elegant Burberry Barton Hobo Shoulder bag and it is still in a very good condition

It features an adjustable shoulder strap with a top zip closure. The depth of the hand bag can be expanded up to 10cm if you have a lot of stuff in.